About Us

The Learning Key® is known for its effective learning games, simulations, and interactive instructional design. Our custom products are used in businesses, schools, and non-profit organizations on five continents because they give results, Transforming Learning into Action.

What is This?
What is this?

Careers in R&D in corporate America, a national laboratory, and university research led  to founding The Learning Key in 1991. All too often we saw individuals who were highly skilled in their fields but not very gifted in communicating and working with others. The Learning Key was created to help  those individuals (and organizations) build leadership and communication skills.

After 23 years,  we closed our corporate offices in Pennsylvania and New Mexico and are now a division of Lasting Perception, LLC based in northern Minnesota. Since then we've primarily developed custom team-based board games. "It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a  time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them." Leo Buscaglia (Thought Archive)

Call or text us at 215-534-3363, or send an email. We are happy to learn about your needs and to help if we can.


What is this?

A Mandelbrot Fractal!

Fractals (a geometry that describes irregular shapes) provide new insights for radically changing the way we look at dynamic systems. In nonlinear organizational systems, small effects can have large and unforeseen consequences. Today we face greater complexity than ever before.  An organization may seem stable until a seemingly minor occurrence pushes it into a new state. Fractals provide a dramatic illustration of the need to look at organizations in an entirely new way and break free of restrictive traditions and patterns.