Tools for Teachers
We have been designing Play for Performance® games and other learning tools for more than 20 years. Our educational products can be used alone or to enrich existing lessons. They provide novel ways of presenting information to teach and engage students and are useful as a formative assessment. Our products are designed for flexibility. Each comes with easy-to-use instructions and templates for customization where applicable.
Our board games and card games are designed to be used with multiple groups of students. Well-designed learning games entertain and serve a serious purpose. Our games have lasting impact and can be used for many years.
Our current board games cover financial education and environmental subjects. We offer two types of card games. Matching Meanings is a fast way to refresh, teach, or measure knowledge of financial terms and meanings. Interpra Cards provide picture metaphors to get students talking and reflecting on what they are learning.

Wi$eMoney Educator's Edition is a standards-based tool for classroom settings to facilitate learning and decisions about managing money and personal financial management. This financial education game includes managing a financial register, making choices about savings and investing, and making everyday decisions that have financial impact. Game topics address:
- Personal financial management and responsibility
- Needs versus wants
- Financial planning, budgeting, banking, investing, credit, and identity protection
- Savings and checking accounts and registers

WiseMoney, the Town of Financial Literacy
Entertain your friends; play with your family. Laugh, share stories, and face financial challenges as you learn about real-world situations and personal money management on your way through WiseMoney – The Town of Financial Literacy. Players in two to four teams follow footprints through the town to prove they are wise about money. Will you be the first? On the way, every team learns about key financial topics.
Game Topics
- Banking and Investing
- Budgeting and Payday
- Financial Responsibility
- Financing and Credit
- Identity Protection

Land on Learning
Land on Learning is a game-based framework for students to better understand and appreciate the land around them, whether they live in an urban or a rural environment. Students create the game content as they learn, and the game is a perfect way to build meaningful activities into existing lessons. The main topics are Plants, People, Wildlife, and Water. You get the teacher’s guide, game guide, game board, spinner, playing pieces, and CD with templates for creating your own content.
The format uses cooperative learning and addresses the new Common Core Standards and National Science Standards in content and process. The approach:
- Accommodates different learning styles
- Requires research by students, making game preparation an interdisciplinary process.
- Gives opportunities to teach others about the local environment
- Is at an intermediate level with keys to adapt the process to upper or lower levels.

Lake Lore
Lake Lore is a board game played with two to four teams of two to five players each. The game is a fun, entertaining way for families and players of all ages to learn about lakes, fish, plants, wildlife, plants, and the environment.
Use it to build awareness of the issues we face in maintaining healthy lakes, streams and watersheds.

Matching Meanings
Matching Meanings is a 10 to 40 minute activity useful for small to very large groups. Use it to actively involve participants in reviewing and learning specific definitions and terms. The Finance Combo includes two sets:
- Banking, Investing, Budgeting, Payday
- Financing, Credit and Identity Theft.
Each Matching Meanings game box comes with a Teacher's Guide, Terms and Definitions Master Sheet, and two Card Decks: One for Terms, One for Definitions

Interpra Cards®: Teacher’s Edition
Interpra picture cards are a useful way to engage and motivate students in discussing lesson content or to help you gather information on how much they know and have retained about a topic. By selecting a picture rather than simply stating a response, they often provide more complete and detailed answers. The format is entertaining, fast-paced and useful even when you only have a few minutes.
Each deck of original picture cards creates an environment for metaphorical learning and concrete applications. Use the cards in many different ways, such as by asking participants to find one or more cards representing their answer to a question or to express their understanding of a topic.
The books we offer are all written in an easy-to-read and understand format.

Kitchen-tested ELL Games and Activities
For teachers who work with non-native speakers to help them improve their English. This resource includes 83 games, exercises and activities organized with notes and suggestions, required materials lists, and detailed instructions. Use the activities to motivate participants to actively participate in class and master English more easily.
The Pharmaceutical Business, 2nd Edition
For teachers and students who want a simple guide to learning about pharmaceutical drug development.
Take Control Using GMPs
A readable, easy-to-understand booklet about current good pharmaceutical manufacturing practice regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations 210-211.
A Guide to Success for Technical Managers
Published by John Wiley and Sons, this book is best for college/graduate students who want to prepare for managing others. Also available as an ebook from Wiley & Sons.
From Tell to Teach - Converting Listening to Learning
For teachers who want to to enhance lectures, engage students, and improve class participation and learner retention, this resource provides short student activities and templates to break up and reinforce presentations and lectures.